For the second year in a row, Erica Harris and Kalpana Srinivasan have been named as two of the nation’s Top 250 Women in Litigation by Benchmark Litigation. Recognized by Benchmark for, “earning their place among the leading female litigators by participating in some of the most impactful litigation matters in recent history,” Srinivasan and Harris regularly lead bet the company cases in courtrooms across the US.
Listed within the US section of the Top 250 Women in Litigation publication, Benchmark Litigation had this to say about Harris and Srinivasan:
“Erica Harris is a revered trial titan in Texas. Her distinguished record in bet-the-company cases and complex commercial litigation makes her a routine stand out among her peers. Harris currently serves as a lead counsel to Chevron USA and Chevron Corporation in climate change litigation filed in courts across the country. She also continues to represent Total Petrochemicals & Refining USA in commercial litigation arising out of the 2019 Intercontinental Terminals Company Deer Park Explosion.” Read Harris’s profile on Benchmark Litigation here.
“Kalpana Srinivasan is a leader both internally, serving as the first woman to be named managing partner in the history of the firm, and industry wide, expertly representing both plaintiffs and defendants in the nation’s most prominent and high-value intellectual property, entertainment and media, antitrust, and class action litigation. Srinivasan is widely recognized for her instrumental role in securing a $706.2 million unanimous jury decision for HouseCanary, the highest-value verdict ever seen by the firm, and for her current role in representing the plaintiffs of a high-exposure class action against TikTok arising from the company’s privacy practices.“ Read Srinivasan’s profile on Benchmark Litigation here.
The Top 250 Women in Litigation publication’s extensive research process, which encompasses six months of investigation into the individual litigators’ professional activities as well as client feedback surveys and individual interviews, has culminated in the selection of the most distinguished women in the world of litigation. Attorneys named to the 2021 publication were chosen through the review of their recent case work, peer review, and a consideration of client feedback on their performances.
In addition to this honor, Susman Godfrey also enjoys a number of firm-wide rankings and further individual attorney recognition by Benchmark Litigation. Click here for more.