Two Susman Godfrey Partners Admitted to the American College of Trial Lawyers

Houston, Texas – Parker Folse and Neal Manne have become Fellows in the American College of Trial Lawyers, one of the premier legal associations in America.  Both Folse and Manne are long-time partners in Susman Godfrey LLP, one of the country’s top litigation boutiques.  Their induction as Fellows took place during the recent Spring Meeting of the College in Scottsdale, Arizona. Susman Godfrey LLP was the only firm in the country from which two lawyers were inducted as Fellows at the meeting.

Founded in 1950, the College is composed of the best of the trial bar from the United States and Canada.  According to the American College of Trial Lawyers, “Fellowship in the College is extended by invitation only, after a careful investigation, to those experienced trial lawyers who have mastered the art of advocacy and whose professional careers have been marked by the highest standards of ethical conduct, professionalism, civility and collegiality.”

Folse was inducted from the state of Washington, where he practices in Susman Godfrey’s Seattle office.  Manne was inducted from Texas, where he practices in the firm’s Houston office.  Both Folse and Manne are members of the firm’s Executive Committee.  The firm also has offices in New York, Dallas and Los Angeles. All of its 100 lawyers specialize in commercial litigation.

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