Susman Godfrey partner Kalpana Srinivasan has been named by Law360 a 2018 “Intellectual Property MVP” — one of just six attorneys selected nationwide .
Named an “MVP” for her industry leading IP work, Srinivasan is recognized for securing in 2018 a unanimous $706.2 million jury verdict for real estate analytics firm, HouseCanary, in its misappropriation of trade secret, fraud, and breach of contract case against Title Source in March, which was confirmed by the court in November..
In 2018, Srinivasan also obtained a $113 million settlement for plaintiffs in a copyright action against Spotify, which received final court approval this year and was named by the court as co-lead counsel to represent a class of consumer plaintiffs in an MDL action challenging Qualcomm’s anticompetitive practices.
You can read more about Srinivasan here or the full interview with Law360 here.