Veteran Partner and Head of the Seattle office, Parker Folse, has penned an article for ABA Litigation Section’s Winter 2021 Magazine in honor of firm founder and titan trial lawyer, Steve Susman, which was released near what would have been Susman’s 80th birthday.
In the article, Folse describes Susman’s building of Susman Godfrey from a fledgling law firm into a litigation powerhouse, his lasting impact on the entire legal industry, his infectious passion for the art of and science of trying law, and the incredible impact he had on everyone who was lucky enough to work with him:
“All of us who learned how to try cases with him as legal children will never forget him. All of us who merely listened to his gravelly bark in firm meetings and marveled at his ability to cut through to the core of whatever issue might have been presented will never forget him. All of us who prospered within the organization he birthed, like Athena sprung from the brow of Zeus, will never forget him, and if we’re just custodians of his memory, neither will our children or our grandchildren, because their lives have all been radically altered by the force of his life.”
Parker Folse
You can read the article, which appeared alongside a memorial of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, here: